l 能做工作的残疾人在他们招聘的时候被排斥因为他们的残疾。
l 不管别人有什么残疾,他们的薪水应该是一样的。
l 不管他们能不能负那个钱,残疾小孩应该都会有早期训练服务。
The reason I post it on my blog is that I hope that will let you to speak up about the education system for the disable too!
Dear Human Rights Watch,
I’m an American citizen who grew up in China and went to school there. I am concerned about the education system in China. I would like the system to be changed for the people with disabilities because they currently receive very little education.
There are some problems in China’s education system for the disabled. China has a lack of special education teachers with training to work with different disabilities, so the schools don’t know what to do with the students with disabilities, which causes them to be undereducated. This causes people with disabilities to not continue to high school or higher education, which causes them to have a very small choice of jobs, and they don’t have enough money to take care of themselves. On my trip to China in December 2013 with my mom to adopt my sister, we saw many people begging in the streets. Most of them were people with disabilities.
China did address education for the disabled in the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in 2011. In Article 24 they said “People with disabilities are not excluded from education.” I interpret this to mean that schools must take any students who enroll, including the disabled. However, when they do enroll disabled students, in my experience they often don’t teach them. China also said that people with disabilities can have reasonable accommodation and they are trying to provide educational material for the disabled. My sister, who is blind, went to a special school in China, which did have some braille writers for the blind students. However, they didn’t let the blind students use them because they said that maybe they would break them. China also agreed to let people with disabilities go to regular schools, but they continue to build “special” schools for the purpose of educating children with disabilities separately from nondisabled students.
I have some personal experience dealing with the Chinese educational system and its problems. I was adopted from China in March 2012 at the age of 12 and I have cerebral palsy. My older sister was adopted from China in December 2012 at the age of almost 14 and also has cerebral palsy. My younger sister was adopted from China in December 2013 at the age of 13 and is blind. Each of us had different education options, but similar experiences in China. Each of us is now attending a public middle school with appropriate accommodations to access a quality education. My blind sister went to a special school in China, but because she was one of the brightest students, the teacher would tell her to teach the students with cognitive disabilities, but would not teach my sister. Most of the time they didn’t let the students use special equipment, like braille writers. Many of the children in a major orphanage in China where I lived did not go to school because they had more significant disabilities. They received a very limited education inside the orphanage. My friend at the orphanage was able to learn and really wanted to go to school. However, the nannies didn’t let her go to school because her disabilities were so significant.
Sometimes my teacher didn’t let me take the PE test because she thought I couldn’t do it because of my cerebral palsy. As a result, the teacher put a zero on my report card. My friend with scoliosis had the same experience. I am now an advanced-belt Kung Fu student in America, so I think I am physically capable of much more than my PE teacher in China felt I could do just 3 years ago.
I would like the Human Rights Watch to convince China to do the things it agreed to do when signing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, specifically Article 24: Education. This would be a good start for improving the educational opportunities and long-term future for children in China who have disabilities.
I have some ideas to influence China’s educational system that maybe you’ll consider:
Except for deaf people, I want people with disabilities to go to school with people without disabilities. Deaf people should go to deaf school, and every person there should sign all the time so that they can be as involved with the community as the hearing people. I want the deaf students to go to the deaf school because I know that sometimes people forget to sign and they feel like they don’t belong to the community. The deaf school education should be the same as regular education.
For China’s education system, students with different abilities currently have to learn the same thing at the same rate. I think this is not right. I think China should fix this problem and let the students feel they fit in the group. I want the teachers to give the students support so they can be successful. The teachers should have a positive attitude toward the students as they learn. I want the teachers to grade on how hard students try not how much they can’t do. I want the teachers to set some time for questions so the students have time to catch up. Students should be graded on whether they work to the best of their ability.
I don’t want any hitting involved during learning because they should encourage the students to learn. For example, I got hit because one time I got a really bad grade on a big test. My sister with Cerebral Palsy was hit a lot because she couldn’t keep up. My blind sister was hit because she didn’t know some new thing that she had not seen before.
I want the teachers to make some accommodation for the students instead of telling them that they can’t do something. I want the students with disabilities to have an Individual Education Plan and every year the school should have a meeting for them to see how they are doing and what they should do better.
I want the students with disabilities to have the right material for them that they can use for their class. For example, if the students are having trouble writing, the school should print the material so they can keep up.
I want the school buildings and public works buildings designed so that all people with disabilities can get in and out; for example, the school must have an elevator or ramp for the wheelchair people.
I don’t want the teachers to tell the students with disabilities they can’t do something that they really can do. If that happens, students with disabilities should have the right speak up.
I want the people with disabilities to have equal opportunities as other people to get in to university or college. If they are mentally capable of doing the work, they should be allowed in to the school.
In addition to education, I am also concerned about other human rights problems in China, such as:
· Hiring discrimination against people with disabilities who could actually do the job.
· Equal pay for performance regardless of disability.
· Early intervention services for children with disabilities no matter if they can afford to pay or not.
These might be some of the future letters I will write to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope that China will change and become a place that is better for everyone.
The reason I post it on my blog is that I hope that will let you to speak up about the education system for the disable too!