
Friday, November 14, 2014

Accident Happened, No More Second Chance










When I was second grade, which was in 2009. Something happened that affected my life.

One time the girls were in the shower (in the orphanage a lot of girls will shower together). When I was about to grab shampoo, I accidentally fall and my head hit in the sharp corner of the bathroom floor (the bathroom floor is a little higher than the shower floor) and my head started bleeding.  I cried a little because it hurt! So the nanny took me to the hospital and they sewed my head.

One nanny cried because she was worried about me, but other nannies were mad at me. They blamed me for not being careful and they said I was not well behaved.

After this happened, the nannies would never let me do chores. Before this happened, the nannies would let me do chores whenever I asked. However, because this happened, I never got a second chance. I was very unhappy. Every time I asked to do chores, they always said no because I might fall. Sometimes I would argue with the nannies. However, the nannies were much more powerful than I was, plus, none of the kids would agree with me. Still, I didn't give up asking for a second chance. I hate when people underestimate me. So every time the nannies said no, I would say back, "You just underestimate people!" Sometimes they said, "No, you overexert yourself." Then I would say if other people can do it, then I could too! The nannies would always say I was different than everybody. One time they even took me in front everybody and asked them if I was different from everybody or not. Then all I heard is "YES." Then they let me go back to my seat.  I was so unhappy. 

Sometimes I would say I am not a useless person. They said, "I didn't say you are useless." Well, if you don't let me do things, that means you think I can't do things, which means I am a useless person. Which I am not!Because of this, the nannies would always say I am very stubborn. At that time, I thought it meant I am stupid, but now I understand. I don't think I am very stubborn. I think they are too sure of themselves and they don't accept that sometimes they might be wrong.

Over time, I got smart. I would do something when they are not looking so I wouldn't get in trouble and they never knew.

I was always wondering, why they can’t just give me a chance and learn from it.  

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